Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Bullying is something that negatively affect the person and leaves a mark on every individual from the victim to the bully. Majority of the victims are children in schools.  These kids wake up with the fear of going to school. Getting harass over and over by a group of people lowers their self-esteem and leads them into thinking about their powerlessness. Sometimes, it becomes the matter of life and death as the person starts having suicidal thoughts. Avoiding to raise the voice about something like bullying just by the fear of becoming its victim is just as supporting it. Bullying has drastically changed over past 20 years. Currently, it is becoming a major issue for many people. This issue has become worse than it has ever been in the last decades. Back then, it is used to be known who the bully was and how to handle the situation as compare to now where the bully is anonymous and unidentified which make the situation more difficult to solve. The main cause of this issue is the terror inside of the person that motivates himself/herself for staying quiet and not doing anything to solve the issue, which make it increase more. It is the duty of every in

Bullying has been around forever, however; in the past two decades, this issue has become worse and more regular than it has ever been. 

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